About me

The long and winding road towards an Elixir job

About me

The long and winding road towards an Elixir job

I’m Dan Anderson, a software developer living near Nashville with my wife and son. I enjoy solving puzzles, woodworking, and anything near the water. Currently, I’m learning Elixir and its libraries with a goal of joining an amazing team to build software that matters. The deeper I get the more I enjoy this ecosystem.

While new to Elixir, I’m not new to software development. My very first programming language was Apple Basic followed by 6502 assembler. Things were different with 16k of RAM!

I studied Computer Science and French at USC in Los Angeles.

I’ve built embedded systems for scientific instruments, health devices, and manufacturing. At a small manufacturing company in Florida I helped port our UI to Windows and several flavors of Unix. Along the way I also wrote apps for iOS including an animated children’s book that my wife wrote, an app for colorblind people that would display the name of any color the phone was pointed at, and various other small projects.

I thought I’d always work in software until taking a detour for ten years as an elected official in Florida. Those were productive, stressful, and – ultimately – quite rewarding years which taught me a lot about leadership. While 80% of the time was spent on mostly mundane mechanics of keeping a city running, I really enjoyed the times we could bring lasting benefits to our community.

While I’m new to Elixir, I’m not new to software engineering. It’s my hope I can join a team of amazing individuals to build something meaningful. If you have an opportunity on your team, let’s chat!

Dan Anderson
