
An extremely subtle excercise in learning Elixir LiveView


An extremely subtle excercise in learning Elixir LiveView

After working through a book or two I decided I needed to step aside and work on a project of my own. This would let me take what I’d learned and put it to work on something different, without training wheels. The question was what to work on. Should I build a Twitter™ clone with in 15 minutes?

I was watching a video and I saw a woman mention she’d worked on a Wordle clone as part of her onboarding. (Sadly, at this time I’ve forgotten her name, but one day I’ll remember.) I’d heard of Wordle but had escaped the frenzy. When I saw the description I thought it’d be fun and would stretch my skills a bit. After reading up on the rules I started work on my own take on this addicting puzzle. I’ve still never played the original game so I have no idea how my rendition compares, but I do enjoy it.

Along the way I used LiveBook to cobble together a dictionary of words, an Agent to keep a copy of that dictionary around, LiveView for the front end, and a giant helping of standard library functions. Hopefully, I ended up with an acceptable implementation of the Construct, Reduce, and Convert pattern for the puzzle data, game rules, and user interface.

Check the blog posts for details on my journey creating this.

You can see an image of the game below and play it yourself here.

subtle screenshot

See also